Permit Yourself to Be YOU

by Michael Feeley
JOAN OF ARC was passionate about living her beliefs and being true to herself:
“One life is all we have, and we live it as we believe in living it.
But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.”
Being true to yourself means never lessening the meaning of who you are. Never being partial. Never living in duplicity and being one way in all ways, always.
Often I say to my coaching clients: Find out who you are and what you want because when you know these two things,
you’ll live your life with freedom and purpose, which means living in integrity.
Believe in yourself. Permit yourself to be YOU.
I’m still becoming Michael. Still discovering who I AM. It’s an exhilarating way to live, and I’ve learned one mighty and liberating fact – it’s okay to be ME.
Remember – you’re the game changer and decision-maker for your life.
You’re in charge—the boss of you.
You set the ground rules and boundaries. No one else has that superb power or pleasure. No one else ever should.
Live your truth.
Thanks – Michael
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