Live Up to Your Potential – 3 Easy Steps

by Michael Feeley
This post first appeared on Maria Shriver’s website
I was elated to be contacted and asked to write this article. What an honor. The world sure is surprising!
Have fun reading it. Thanks — Michael
You’ve heard it, right?
“You have so much potential.” Or — “You’re not living up to your potential.”
We all have potential. It’s with you from birth and will be with you your entire life. You’re just full of the stuff. Potential is ageless. Infinite. It gives you never-ending possibilities.
That’s pretty wonderful!
Potential is your ability to do and be anything you want — to live your life any way you choose — to live your dreams and unlock your passions.
Potential helps you discover your purpose in life.
It’s a desire you discover as a child. “I want to be a fireman. A doctor. An artist.” That’s the start of recognizing and living up to your potential.
1. What do people say about you?
Start to live your potential by listening to what others say because your possibilities are there. “She’s so good with kids. What an imagination he’s got. She’s a giver. You’re a diplomat.”
People’s observations can guide you to meet your potential and help make it real now and in the future.
– Why do they say what they do?
– What is their intuition telling you?
– What can you learn from them to start manifesting your potential?
– Write it all down and connect the dots.
2. What does your potential want for you?
Your potential is alive in your own words and thoughts about yourself. Listen:
“I have the potential to be… I love… I’ve always dreamed of… I’m passionate about… I like… No matter what, I’m going to… My heart aches to be…”
Your capacity to become something and achieve something is at the heart of your potential, and it’s nearly always positive, unless you have a propensity for laziness. Your potential moves you forward. It’s a natural, organic impulse; one of your great friends and supporters.
John C. Maxwell lovingly describes it this way —
The dreams and passions stored within hearts are powerful keys which can unlock a wealth of potential.
Nothing is more important than your potential. It is your life.
3. What are you capable of ?
You have astonishing potential stored in you!
- Potential allows you to be creative, innovative, bold and logical.
See what you’re capable of and go after your desires.
- Study what you like, what comes naturally and what you do well. Math, languages, athletics, art, organizing, leading. Your potential lives in the things you like and you’re good at.
- Potential takes focus, training, practice and love. Create a plan to succeed and act on it daily.
- Trust and feel your potential. You may sense in your gut that something will be, or could happen. That’s a *Potential Signal*, a sign, a clue you should tune into and seriously examine. “Go to the interview. Try your idea.” It’s a direction that your inner self and world potential is pointing you towards, like a compass.
- Don’t let fear interrupt your potential. Never let anyone talk you out of it or lessen your intentions. Obliterate the
“I can’t…you can’t”. Commit to your potential. Replenish it. Resurrect it.
- Take one step at a time to grow your potential. Even if you don’t know totally what you want, take simple steps to find out. Your knowledge about yourself and life experience will enable you to start stepping into your potential.
- Never underestimate the potential you have.
Thomas Alva Edison expressed it this way –
If we did all the things we are capable of doing we would literally astound ourselves.
Go ahead – Live your potential. Try! Astound yourself. You and your potential deserve it.
Thanks – Michael