It’s OK to Quit

by Michael Feeley
IT IS OK to walk away from something that’s not working. Quit a bad relationship. Quit a job to make more money and do something you love because you’re at a dead end. Quit judging yourself.
Quitting doesn’t mean you’re a failure. It means you’re taking action to find a better way to do what you want and love.
To be happy with your life.
Committing2Change. To Rethink – Regroup – Reinvent – Re-imagine – Reset your goals and aim for the new. Strive for excellence. Be the best at what you do as compared to doing nothing but complaining, spinning your wheels, putting in lots of effort and getting nowhere… being forgettable.
You can be a champion. Invest in yourself to be the best. That’s the motivating challenge. And you can do it if you make the choice to work and become #1
– Change Can’t into Can.
– Won’t into Will.
– Have to into Want to.
– Average into Unforgettable
Quit whining and start winning.
Thanks – Michael
Please pass this on to all the other people you know and encourage The Best in everyone.
Here’s another post I think you’ll connect with – Be Yourself.