If I Were 22

by Michael Feeley
Daniel Roth, Executive Editor at LinkedIn, asked me to write this post for their series on LinkedIn called — If I Were 22.
Each of us were asked to look back on our lives and write about the advice we would give to young college grads who are heading into the work force and beginning their careers. What do I know now that I wished I knew then?
It’s a great pleasure to present my thoughts and dreams, and I’m honored by the request. Here’s the result. I hope you enjoy it.
When I was 22 I knew exactly what I wanted – to sing and act in musicals. I had dreamed of that since I was 10 years old and went after it full force, studying and acting in every play I could. After college I did summer stock and then moved immediately to New York City and started auditioning.
I was bold, determined and relentless. I had a solid plan, some talent and BIG dreams.
I remember auditioning for an Off Broadway Musical. When I got there the director said I was too handsome for the role. I told him – ‘Give me 24 hours, I’ll be back tomorrow.’
I went home, did a lot of changing and got the part.
I crashed all the equity auditions hoping to be hired and get into the actor’s union.
Once I waited 6 hours to sing for the role of the ‘corporal’ in the National Tour of Shenandoah. At the end of the day the director appeared and told everyone the part was cast. I stood up and said, ’Please! Give me a chance. When you hear me sing you’ll give me the role.’
Well he did give me a chance. He heard my passion and, I landed the job I had dreamed about and worked so hard for. I got my equity card and went on tour with two of my musical idols – John Raitt and Howard Keel.
What a time I had!
Acting was a glorious and tough career road to travel. When I worked it was heaven. But there was tremendous stress and worry over not working steadily, fear about maintaining my health benefits, the aggravation of taking other jobs to make money, pay rent and live while I auditioned. Fortunately my passion and the choices I made to stay in New York City, allowed me to work for many years at the things I loved.
What should young grads know leaving college, heading into the real world of work?
- Never give up on your dreams!
- Be willing to do the work.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
- Trust yourself.
- Be fearless.
- Be confident.
- Be courageous.
- TRY!
- Ask for what you want.
- Open every door, create possibilities and be ready when opportunity looks you in the face. And – it will.
All of this is to tell you, ask you, implore and inspire you to live up to your potential. You have so much to offer.
You owe it to yourself and the world. Your potential is the same thing as your dreams and your destiny.
I’ve held many jobs in my life…paperboy, mowing lawns, selling Christmas cards, working on a farm, librarian, putting together boat lights, waiting tables, cleaning apartments, singing telegrams, working in a book store, teaching, running a mail room, selling cruises, helping people find jobs and presently, as a Professional Life and Career Coach.
All of my aspirations, passions and skills are in my work. I’m still dreaming and going after what I want, which recently includes new success — publishing on LinkedIn and blogging for The Huffington Post.
It’s all part of discovering and living my destiny.
You too can manifest your destiny. You’re living it right now. See what is working well for you and then see what addition steps you can take to fill in and round out your destiny. Dare to dream. Do more than you think you can. Stretch yourself and see what success you’ll achieve.
What Do I Know Now That I Wish I Knew Then?
Going after your dreams is important but make it one with giving and helping other people.
At 22 I was too selfish and too focused on just ME. I wish I had known how essential and rewarding it is to be generous, to think deeply about other people and actively give back to someone, a community and the world.
Have a big mission with your dreams. It’s a vital part of living up to your potential, your personal values and truly taking care of yourself at the same time.
One of my favorite quotes comes from Maya Angelou. She expresses so well what I’m trying to say, with her great eloquence and passion:
One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.
Am I Where I Thought I Would Be?
No. I’m in a much better place than I ever imagined!
Following my dreams led me to new options, creativity and expression of myself.
I’m doing work I love as a Life and Career Coach. My purpose — to help as many people as I can figure out what they want to do with their lives and then enable them to do it.
Trust yourself and the world around you and you’ll be guided towards the job you are meant to do on this earth.
Love of something is a direction worth pursuing and existence has a wise plan, and near perfect timing for bringing you to the right place at the right time.
What Advice Would I Give to a Young Person Entering The Work World Today?
As I look back and think about, #IFIWERE22, how things have advanced and continue to transition, I encourage you to always be open to change. Be available to change. Welcome change. It helps you know yourself.
It’s 40 years since I graduated from Syracuse University and set out on my own journey. I’m a Baby Boomer, from a different generation. We didn’t have cell phones or the internet. I remember the first color TV. I remember working on an IBM Selectric typewriter. I remember going to a library to do research; using the ‘Dewy Decimal Card Classification System’, and taking out real books to study.
No matter what the differences in time, the questions are the same for all of us:
- What do I want?
- How will I make a living?
- How will I be happy?
- What is success?
- Who am I?
Yes. This is always demanding looking for a job and many of you are faced with debt from college and massive hope as you begin your careers.
Some of you may not know what you want to do with your life, and that’s perfectly OK.
Please — Be kind to yourself. Take care of yourself. Mind, body and soul is crucial. You have the time and the knowledge to figure it all out. This is your journey. Pace yourself. Be aware and discover the answer to this question – What do I want?
Go ahead and try. It’s worth trying.
Live as Goethe suggests —
Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.
Live your life to the fullest in the best way you know how.
Always do it with honor.
Always do it with passion.
Always live up to your potential.
As I often say – You get one life. Why not make it magnificent!
Bon Voyage!
Thanks – Michael