Max Your Gratitude Account 6 Easy Steps

by Michael Feeley
Celebrating Thanksgiving… giving gifts… HAPPY New Year!
Good or bad you go through them.
But — What’s the state of your personal gratitude account?
Maxed or empty?
If you could be 30% happier and you knew working on your own personal gratitude was the answer, would you invest all you could?
In Praise of Gratitude, from the Harvard Mental Health Letter, states:
…gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships…regardless of the inherent or current level of someone’s gratitude, it’s a quality that individuals can successfully cultivate further.
Cultivating gratitude is the smart and easy way to enrich your life.
Gratitude benefits
Gratitude is a positive and natural emotion. It’s free. Costs you nothing but commitment.
As hard as life is with tensions, stress, anxieties, the qualities of gratitude are in you — thankfulness, giving, kindness and appreciation. You can connect with them instantly and feel better by being grateful.
You’ll profit by shifting your attention from the dark of your life to ease and abundance. Expressing gratitude reduces troubles and promotes goodness.
If you have photos you like, favorite music, spending time with family or friends, whatever you do to have honest pleasure, that’s gratitude. It has meaning and powerful effects on you.
Liking things, appreciating what’s good increases self-esteem and reduces fears. It builds hope and joy.
When you’re thankful you’re confident and happier.
Gratitude always increases you. You’re more yourself. Not less.
Smart people get gratitude. It’s a daily part of their healthy life styles.
Gratitude is precious stuff and should be vigilantly taken care of in yourself and others.
Ingratitude or courage
What effect do you think ingratitude has on your mind and heart?
Anger, selfishness, resentment, ill will, dishonesty, bitterness, coldness, manipulation, greed.
These negative emotions weaken and drag you down; annihilating your deepest hope for happiness.
Gratitude promotes life. It’s optimistic. Practical. It takes courage to be grateful.
We all suffer at times. I’m not saying ignore sadness or pain but stop and think about gratitude.
Finding one thing you like or can learn from the person causing you grief or the impossible situation you’re living through counters your unhappiness — opposes negativity — pulls you away from trouble and gives new perspective.
Gratitude clears the way for positive choice and change. It motivates and moves you into a higher place so you feel better. Hopeful. Strong.
When you appreciate things you’re kinder. Gratitude boosts you physically and emotionally.
Gratitude makes you rich
When you’re hungry, you feel weak. As soon as you eat you feel stronger, more alert and alive.
Nourishing yourself with gratitude does the same thing. It builds up your entire body, mind and spirit.
You have a mammoth, gratitude savings account in you to deposit as much good feeling, thanks, and positive emotions as you like. It’s your personal reserve for strength and happiness. Open 24 / 7 / 365.
If I’m stressed, tired, overwhelmed with work or projects, I tap right into my gratitude and write it down.
I’m grateful for stars at night, grateful for good health, grateful for having true love these past 18 years, blue sky, fresh water, the joy my dog ‘Tulla’ always shows me and others.
Immediately I get some peace and clarity. I move about, get unstuck and breathe more deeply.
I’m enhanced and enriched. I’m more than I was. More myself.
Gratitude frees me; relaxes and powers me up with purpose. I think better and I’m happier.
Happens every time for me and it’s not Life Coaching *bibbity bobbity boo* magic. It’s Scientific.
My life is immensely good because I study, practice and benefit from gratitude
6 strategic steps to fill up your gratitude account
1. Call it *intentional gratitude* or *conscious appreciation* but build a new habit of expressing gratitude frequently. It will make you feel fortunate, powerful and kind.
2. Create a specific daily mantra for yourself — a prayer, wish, vow or commitment —
‘I am grateful for_______________’. Have it in your mind. Say it to people. Write it in notes and emails.
3. *Thank you* takes one second to say. Consciously look to express it and do good things often.
Don’t miss an opportunity to be grateful.
4. Start a Daily Gratitude Journal – Write 3 things you’re grateful for every night before bed.
5. How does gratitude live in the world? Look for examples in music, art, literature, daily life, history, people you see and know.
6. Acknowledge negativity and counter it with genuine appreciation and thanks.
‘The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today
would be to start being grateful for what you have right now.
And the more grateful you are, the more you get.’ – Oprah
Thanks – Michael