How Do You See The World?

by Michael Feeley
WHICH IS BIGGER – you or the world?
It stands to reason that how you see the world is the most significant thing in your life.
Your view of the world affects how you see everything.
From the moment you enter the world, you’re making choices – Is the world for me or against me – friendly or unkind – something to fight against or live in peace and harmony?
The first representatives of the outside world you meet are your parents, and how they treat you – how they treat each other, and how they treat other people affect how you see the world because from this view you begin to make choices about women, men, love, marriage, family, home, money, work, friends, safety, learning, happiness+++
Again – You’re making up your mind about the world and how to deal with it – live in it. You’re creating your life,
and it stands for your attitude to the world. Will you choose to be fair to the outside world or not?
Poet, critic, and educator Eli Siegel describes our attitude to the world:
“We all of us start with a here, ever so snug and ever so immediate. And this here is surrounded strangely, endlessly, by a there. We are always meeting this there: in other words, we are always meeting what is not ourselves, and we have to do something about it. We have to be ourselves, and give to this great and diversified there, which is not ourselves, what it deserves.”
Thanks – Michael
Please share this post with the others to promote a kind and justice attitude to the world.
I think you’ll also see value in this – Two Kinds of People.