How Can You Be Authentic? A Fun and Easy Test!

by Michael Feeley
This article first appeared in The Huffington Post.
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Are you authentic?
The same person wherever you are — with your closest friends, at work and then with strangers?
Maybe it doesn’t matter to you but most people care about being one way; being the same person in every aspect of their lives; being who they truly are.
Here’s a simple and fun experiment to try. I learned it in coaching school and it’s an inspirational eye opener.
It’s called — How Would People Describe You?
1. Take a piece of paper and divide it into 3 columns.
2. Number each column: Column # 1 / Column # 2 / Column # 3
3. In column # 1 write – Close Friends
In column # 2 write – Co-Workers
In column # 3 write – Strangers
4. Start with Column #1 and write down all the words that your Close Friends would use to describe you. Then move to # 2 and write down all the words your Co-Workers would use and finally do the same with the Strangers column. How would a stranger see and describe you?
When you’re done ask: Are all 3 columns the same?
Are you the same person to close friends and co-workers and strangers?
If it matters to you — this exercise will encourage you to be your true and authentic self always — living your beliefs and values wherever you are, in any situation.
Being authentic is a choice.
See what you want for your life and then live it!
Thanks – Michael