Gumption or Guts for You?

by Michael Feeley
GUMPTION IS A WORD I hardly use. However, I like what it means and how it feels to say it.
It means having guts – and having guts expresses me more than having gumption.
Guts = strength, confidence, determination, bravery, being resourceful, enterprising, and taking initiative.
Going after what you want and not being derailed by anyone or anything.
I feel this intensely in my creative work as a writer and coaching people about their lives, careers, and changes
they hope to achieve.
These words by poet Sylvia Plath describe me well:
“… everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise.
The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”
Gumption or guts for you?
Thanks – Michael (he,him)
Please have fun and guts and share this post.
I think this will hook you too – Don’t You Love Courage!