Gratitude is Truth and Trust

by Michael Feeley
WHENEVER YOU’RE GRATEFUL for something (feeling good emotionally and physically), there is truth and trust present because there are facts to explain why specific gratitude has a good effect on you, and the facts create trust.
When you trust someone or something, you feel confident and free, and that’s gratitude.
When you know the truth (even if the truth hurts), you’re grateful.
You’re grateful you have a job, and your bills are getting paid. There is trust and truth there.
The same thing with friends – you trust they’ll be there, and you believe they’ll tell you the truth.
For me, it’s surprising and satisfying to see how truth and trust are tightly bound together.
It’s not a wordplay game. The essence of gratitude is truth and trust.
We are grateful for so many things based on fact and faith – truth and trust.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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