Gratitude is Justice

by Michael Feeley
ONE FORM OF JUSTICE is giving credit – expressing gratitude to people who have helped you learn something, changed you, and made your life better.
Whenever you thank a person, you acknowledge their help.
Whenever you have the opportunity to let other people know your gratitude, it’s justice to that specific person who cared enough to help you.
Expressed gratitude also stands for your integrity.
Gratitude is justice in all forms. It’s what’s right – the truth. To me, it’s a law – ethics, and generosity at the top of the list.
– Thank you for your love.
– Thank you for understanding.
– Thank you for teaching me about creativity, writing, giving, and being of service.
If you benefit from someone, use their words and ideas, and you’re happy and prosperous, give them credit.
It’s deserved praise.
“No one who achieves success does so without the help of others.
The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.”
– Alfred North Whitehead (English mathematician and philosopher)
Gratitude is justice.
Ingratitude is injustice.
You always have that choice.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this post with generous gratitude.
I think you’ll value this too – Gratitude Quotes.