Create Your Own Quotes

by Michael Feeley
We quote other people’s words because they have meaning for us. Describe us. Touch us. We share them with others to encourage and also use them to validate our work.
Why not promote your thoughts? Your insights. Your ideas and hopes for change and inspiration?
Try this:
Find one or two sentences you have written. Words that you often say and believe in (could be a personal mantra) –
add quotation marks – add your name – send it out to the world. This is the original you.
Promote your art. Make it a gift to other people in your tribes. Create the opportunity to be heard. Use your quotations
in your Blog, in your paintings, songs, videos, photographs…
You and your words matter more than you know.
Why play it safe and hide? What does fear of trying get you?
Here’s one example from me:
“Why not create value, a lot of value, rather than slipping into being average and unknown.”
Take the leap. Bon Voyage!
Thanks – Michael
Please share this post with your tribes and promote your original work.
This might also resonate with you – Be Proud of Your Work.