Comfortable in Your Comfort Zone?

by Michael Feeley
My article on ‘Comfort Zones’ was first published on Maria Shriver’s website.
Hope you enjoy this comfortable reading.
Either you’re comfortable or you’re not.
When you are comfortable, you’re free of anxiety. No Pain. No Trouble. No Distress.
You’re in the zone…the comfort zone. Usually you’re doing what you like. It might be gardening, writing, selling real estate or spending time with the people you love. It’s true comfort — like the weather; a place where the temperature is just right. Not too hot. Not too cold. You’re living easy.
But — if you stay in your comfort zone, you don’t take risks. You play it safe. You do what you know; what’s familiar. You don’t push yourself or challenge yourself to change.
When stepping out of your comfort zone you’re going beyond the limits you’ve set on yourself.
The desire to try is a mighty positive force
I’m not a wiz on the computer. I work the basics. Recently I was building a website and completely frustrated – really stressed because I didn’t know how to enter pictures into it. My mind froze. I couldn’t remember things.
I was way out of my comfort zone and it was murder! What caused the pain? Fear. I was afraid to make a mistake. Afraid to fail. My body temperature went sky high and I had to turn the AC up full blast to get some comfort.
But — I knew I wanted to learn and master these new skills and that was bigger than my fears.
So — changing my mindset went like this:
1. I wasn’t alone in this. I could ask for help.
2. I focused on my confidence — trusting my skills.
3. I remembered I had success learning new things before.
4. Leaping in, taking risks and practicing instead of sitting on the *fear fence* always worked for me.
5. I made the commitment to learn and change.
These five positive facts helped me through. 8 hours later I was successful and very proud of myself.
‘Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.’ – Brian Tracy
Were you born to be limited?
We have no fear when we’re born. As children our desire to know and learn is unlimited. We discover pleasure and pain. We learn to walk and fall, get up and do it again.
Living life — discovering the world and your relationship to it is the real, natural comfort zone for us all.
Too soon we set boundaries. We learn from our parents and other people what seems to be good or bad behavior. We make choices how we’re going to live and sometimes we lock ourselves in with our preferences, thinking we’re taking care of ourselves. It’s perfectly understandable, but that form of existence or comfort is not what we were born for.
Stepping outside means wanting to change
When you truly want something different you’ll start to change. You’ll set an intention and begin.
Maybe you want a new job because you hate where you work but fear stops you from trying.
You’re afraid of leaving what’s easy and familiar.
Your desire for change is the powerful answer. It’s the key to true comfort because you’re taking action; moving forward, ‘trying something new’. Maybe you’ll learn new skills, connect with new people, discover new possibilities for your SELF. Sure, it may not always be comfortable but you’re going after what you want; breaking out and growing by choice. Guaranteed…the shift and expansion will make you stronger, happier and more yourself.
Test it.
Go for it! Break through your fears and discover your true comfort zone.
Thanks – Michael