Coaching Creates Change
by Michael Feeley
Why do I coach? To help people create change.
Assisting someone to create the changes they desire in their lives.
Enabling another person to move from where they are to where they want to be.
Coaching begins with making a choice to change something particular and then committing to the change – signing up for
the change journey.
It takes courage to change, and most of all, you have to want to change!
Coaching is a profession for me, not a hobby. A scientific and magical process we do together, discovering answers and
finding the way that works for you.
The answers to change are in you, and working together is the positive direction to make change happen.
Take yourself off hold.
Walk straight into the light.
Be ready to try and do the work because you want and deserve something better for yourself and the way you live life.
(Please sign up to receive my Commit2Change postings – three (3) times per week. The link is just below.)
Thanks – Michael
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This will also teach you more about coaching – 12 Life Coaching Skills.