Choose and Practice Gratitude

by Michael Feeley
TODAY I AM grateful for…
Today I like…
I’m thankful for…
Gratitude is a positive emotion – a feeling and an action – that gives us strength.
Gratitude is a choice – something we choose to do, to express appreciation for someone or something good in your life, making for happiness.
Gratitude happens when you like or love something, have a favorite thing (music, food, a place, activity), laugh, feel positive and optimistic. That’s gratitude.
Why not create a daily gratitude practice, and first thing in the morning or before you sleep at night,
write down three (3) things you’re grateful for. (You can also speak gratitude out loud instantly at any time.)
“I’m grateful to be healthy!”
See what effect the choice and practice of gratitude – liking, thanking, giving, and receiving kindness – has on your entire mind, body, heart, and spirit.
Thanks – Michael
Please pass out this post and promote your daily and moment to moment gratitude.
Here is something else to think about – What is Vital Personal Gratitude (VPG)?