All Aboard Integrity

by Michael Feeley
Integrity is a simple and powerful thing. Either you are living in integrity or you’re not.
It’s a choice. Nothing partial or maybe or a little bit grey between black and white.
For me – integrity means living my life the way I want to without harming anyone or anything else. Being true to who I am – fair and just to other things – people – the world.
I can always tell if I am living in integrity by the feeling of joy and peace I have inside of me.
No one can tell you how to be true to yourself. You can study ethics. Learn about right and wrong but you’re the only person who knows what is right for you.
Integrity is dogmatic – living with honesty and standing by what you believe in all situations and… one of the great benefits you’ll discover is how you choose to surround yourself with people and things that nourish you not debilitate and
make you feel bad.
Integrate and integer are part of integrity. We need air to live. That is an integral fact. Truth in all situations.
Not… “I sometimes need air.”
When you live in integrity, it becomes organic. It feels like integrity is just naturally doing it all. Not you.
People have stood up for what they believed in, gone to prison for their integrity and died for their honor.
I think of Lillian Hellman, Nelson Mandela, Joan of Arch, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Ellen DeGeneres…
– Who do know and respect for their integrity?
– Why?
– What can you learn from them?
– How much do you want to be like them?
Thanks – Michael
Please generously give this post to people and let’s see how it builds integrity for them and in the world. I think you’ll also be inspired by this – Be Yourself.