A Voyage is an Opportunity

by Michael Feeley
WE ARE EACH on a path, a journey trying to live our best lives.
I like to see it as a voyage – discovering who I am and living as I please, without harming others – looking out for opportunities to learn and grow and change more. Sometimes it’s smooth sailing, and other times, stormy, rough seas where I’m just trying to stay afloat.
I’m reminded of these empowering words of poetry by Walt Whitman:
“Now Voyager, sail though forth to seek and find.”
Any voyage or journey will change you if you let it. I believe it’s why we travel, to discover and connect with new places, people, and things in the world, and come home refreshed—more ourselves.
Recently I learned that the word – opportunity – was once a term sailors used, meaning “coming toward a port.”
Sailors are always looking for the opportunity of a favorable, good wind to steer their ship to a safe harbor.
Aren’t opportunities what most of us are looking for in life?
The opportunity to be happy and to love the person you are becoming?
Time is precious so take every opportunity to live your life full out and make your life count!
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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