A Real Life Comfort Zone Quest

by Michael Feeley
One of the valuable things coaching does for you is to create change and become comfortable with it — moving you from where you are to where you want to be.
Coaching helps get you unstuck. You learn to shift your mindset, break up blocks and face your fears that hold you back from achieving the goals you want to get to.
Here are some excerpts from a real life experience about getting in touch with your true comfort zone that will help you understand some of the changes that take place when a client does the work to alter their life; aggressively goes after happiness and gets truly comfortable and confident with what they want.
Greg Hensley (name change) is on a great new quest. We’ve been working together specifically to find him a new job where he’s really happy, better connected to the people he works with and most importantly — where he can have a creative outlet and work closely with his passions for music and writing.
He’s a hard, methodical worker with courage and a big desire to change and improve himself. And…he’s getting amazing results.
What he thought was his comfort zone — the best way for him to live, think and work — was actually holding him back. Limiting his potential and creative possibilities.
Greg challenges himself regularly to grow with assignments we create together — journaling and visioning specifically what he wants for his career. Here are a few of his assignments:
– Why does music mean so much to you?
– How does music connect you to other people?
– What do you really want?
– What are your fears and how do they affect your passions?
– What are the benefits of stretching yourself?
– How can you take more risks and also create opportunities?
– How resilient are you?
– Are you really in your comfort zone?
He told me:
“I haven’t taken risks in my life. I have a fear of never achieving what I set out to do but…I’m going after giving what I feel and what I want a chance. I’m taking steps to get out of myself and to leave a bad work situation. I’m stretching myself beyond my familiar thoughts and ways of doing things.”
His self criticism is immensely valuable because he sees how he holds himself back. It also propels him to trying new things, giving him the impetus and commitment for change; helping him focus on what he wants. Greg is clearer than ever about…’what he wants’ for his career and life and that is the key.
Here are four things he has accomplished and they make him thrive. See what it does for his personal comfort:
1. He built a resume he loves where once the idea of writing one crippled him.
2. He discovered that his great love of music will always be in his life and he wants it to be part of his new job.
‘No doubt about it! I need to have music in my life!’
3. He set up a Blog and is writing about music, performers and concerts.
4. Steadily, every single week, he sends out six or more resumes and cover letters to companies and jobs he has carefully researched that are related to music.
“I’ve created a structure, a pattern that I follow. I don’t feel negative or hopeless. I feel great satisfaction as I send out resumes! I’ve fallen into a new comfort zone with it. Usually comfort zones are something negative…you’re maintaining, not growing, playing it safe and that leads to regression, stagnation and atrophy. I’m more comfortable now than I was and I’m growing as well.”
All of this has happened because he dares to try new things, dares to dream and he also sees the tangible possibility of his hopes.
“I’m more open than I was. My comfort zone is shifting. I like looking for jobs! I’m reveling in the fact that I’m doing it where once I couldn’t. I was too discouraged and hopeless. I’m less afraid…It’s a journey and I’m trying to find my place.”
One more moving and crucial matter has happened in his life. Where once Greg told no one about his pain at work and the steps he is taking to find a new job, he is now talking to some trusted friends. He’s taking new risks and seeing how resilient he is.
“I’m getting rid of the negative thoughts in my head. The ‘I can’t’ and the ‘Yeah BUT…’ I’m working to stay positive and let those thoughts run me and I’m talking to other people. A friend wants to introduce me to a company where I might Blog about music.”
It’s extraordinary how useful career coaching is when you’re open for change and do the work to be clear about what you want now and in the future.
Greg is going after a reasonable dream and in the process he is discovering new things about himself. He’s an exacting man; measured and careful about facts, possibilities and options. He’s also learning to listen to his heart — to live with passion — and this is fairly new territory for him to be traveling in. He’s exploring — both himself and the outside world and it gives him pleasure and comfort.
American writer and motivational speaker Denis Waitey describes it this way –
‘A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.’
Thanks –Michael
You may also like reading – How Comfortable Are You in You Comfort Zone?
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