Here’s what you need to know…
I Built – a professional acting, singing, and modeling career working with – Howard Da Silva, John Raitt, Howard Keel, Allan Jones, Bobby Van, Tovah Feldshuh, Ford Models… at the Kennedy Center and other theatres across America. (I even sang for President Jimmy Carter.)
Shifted – from the arts into customer service and sales at an International Cruise Corporation.
Lived – some of my greatest happiness, stress, and creativity for over 20 years as a headhunter in New York City – finding people jobs.
Not ‘hit and run’ fill a job and move on but real passion to find the right person for the right job so they could be wildly happy and expressed. It mattered to me. Still does.
I am profoundly grateful to have worked with some of the best people in – finance, entertainment, insurance, advertising, non-profit, architecture, fashion, accounting, legal, publishing, real estate…
I have had the honor to be a Seth Godin Akimbo Workshop Coach – the pinnacle of my coaching career. The material and organization was superb. Brilliant kind people to collaborate with, and the highest integrity of a company I have ever worked with.
As a Certified Career + Life Coach, I have the privilege to help people create change in their lives and work – to answer the question: What do you want? And then…
Make It Happen.
The Next Act – A Complete Guide to Career Change, Professional Reinvention, and
Finding Work That Matters
Available April 8 – Amazon – Kindle and Paperback versions
My book is for people 50, 60, 70, and 80+ years looking for their next act because they’re not ready to retire. They have more encores to give.
As you may see and agree, many people are not finished with their dreams, or creative work. As we age, the status quo and society (even our very selves)
let us know that we need to retire (should retire) because we are not as valuable as we once were – time to quietly fade away. I don’t feel this way.
I’m 73. I’m Not Done! I know lots of other people who think and feel this too. (I see myself as vintage – only getting better with age.)
This principle is central in The Next Act:
All your skills are transferable to any other job you may wish to do. All your expertise, life experience, abilities, talents, gifts, credentials, training
are immensely current and valuable. They are your golden assets and will enable you to reinvent yourself with the knowledge presented in – The Next Act.
This fact comes from 20 years experience working as a headhunter in New York City finding people jobs.
I use all my knowledge in my Career and Life Coaching work enabling people to find work that matters to them and others.
♦ ♦
Please contact me by email for a 20 minute Complimentary Coaching Session to explore the changes you desire:
I encourage every person I work with to see themselves as a Champion and a Rebel.
Champions train daily. They show up and do their best. Not to beat others out or down, but to win and lead with fierce integrity. Why a rebel?
Rebels create change.
The people I coach are exploring their encore maturity. Some people choose to stay where they are and refresh how they see their present work. Others move to a similar position at a different firm to create change and reset themselves, and some people leap forward to reinvent themselves building an entirely new career.
People in Sales, Finance, Entertainment, Insurance, Advertising, Non-Profit, Architecture, Fashion, Accounting, Legal, Publishing, Real Estate, Coaching. Some of my clients are:
Musicolor Method Franchise – PayPal – The Marriott Corporation – Jones Dairy Farm – Cotton Incorporated – The New York Post – Spike Lee DDB – MetLife – AMFAR – Sullivan & Cromwell – Reliance National Insurance – Black Rock Financial – Parachute Publishing – News Corp – Anderson Consulting – Burberry – Royal Bank of Canada – Asprey Jewelry – The Hunger Project – AARP – Peter Marino Architect – Macklowe Real Estate.
♦ Coaching Choices for You:
- One (1) private two (2) hour coaching session (15 minute break) for the person who may feel they are busy and willing to focus on an intense one time coaching opportunity.
- Four (4) weeks – One (1) private meeting a week for 1 hour (45 minutes + 15 minute summary and accountability assignment) Four (4) consistent weeks.
- 12 weeks – Three (3) consistent months. One (1) private coaching session a week – for one (1) hour with a summary and assignment to encourage change.)
> We begin with a complimentary coaching conversation (20 minutes) to understand what you are hoping for from coaching – the change you seek to make – and to see if we are a good match for working together. If we both agree we can move forward. We will discuss fees.
> A professional coaching agreement is sent to you for review and to sign.
> A document – “Questions to Consider” – is sent for you to answer (as you wish) to help me know you better and also to do the same for you.
> Together we’ll create the changes you hope for by setting up a coaching schedule and filling in the details that work for you.
Let’s Talk – My Email Contact =
I like working with are wise, established people looking to be all they can be. To meet their potential and go beyond to the happiness and success they desire.
They’re not shopping for fast fix-it results but are willing to commit to change, pace themselves, and do the work to get to where they want to be.
Being generic doesn’t work for them. Neither does doing mediocre work. True leaders, and I believe we are all leaders, don’t want to be ‘busy.’ They want to do work they believe in that makes a valuable, real difference. Work they are proud of and love.
It takes courage not to wait around to be discovered, not to compromise your integrity, but to achieve because you are a professional and you care about the growth and welfare of others, in and outside of your work.
I’m in deep service, helping you be the person you aspire to be
The individual that people want to spend time with, invest in, and work with. Someone with empathy because caring is the organic success choice for leading –
trusting people – supporting others to also lead, create, collaborate, and take responsibility for their work.
The remarkable person wants to know:
*Who am I?
*What do I want?
*What will make me feel happy and successful?
*How can I best serve and care for other people?
*Where do I need and want to change so I can create the change I seek and make a difference?
Leading is an opportunity. Decide. Step right up and create it.
I’m honored that my writings have been published at Arianna Huffington’s – Thrive Global, The Huffington Post, Medium, Maria Shriver’s Website, LinkedIn, Michael Port,
The Fordyce Letter. Mélange Magazine and others.
Yes. It’s true. I do live on the Caribbean Island of Saba. After living and working in New York City for 40+ years I leaped right out of the rat race of corporate America; leaving behind the relentless stress and competition that was wasting me; to rediscover what really matters to me in life. I’m living my dream – the best life I can by choice. You get one life – make it count. I actively blend my coaching skills with my real estate work. (Saba Island Properties). I see it this way:
Finding a home in this world – a place where you belong – feel safe and respected –
is directly related to how you want to feel about your self – being at home with who you truly are.
For me the two are inseparable!
People work with me to change things in their lives to be happier
Many people have no idea what they want to do with their lives and that is perfectly fine but the people I work with are ready to dive in, dig around and find the answers. Create out of the unknown. It’s one of my specialties – helping you discover what you are meant to do here on earth – discover your purpose and do work you love. Yes. Work you love! Work that matters. Work you are proud of. Work that makes change for people’s lives and change for the world. Imagine!
Some want to get rid of stress, doubts and fears, judgments, worry… to become kinder. They want their lives to have more meaning – filled with real connection and feeling and passion about things, other people and life itself.
Your life is already ‘…wild and precious.’ You’ve just hung it somewhere and it’s waiting for you to discover it all over again.
About Our Logo
The Golden Section – Nautilus
The logo is a spiral revolving around a central point, expanding inward and outward like a nautilus shell.
Life Coaching gets to the center of you with imagination and tremendous precision.
The spiral exists in the seeds of a sunflower blossom, a pine cone, the shape of our ear and our DNA.
We’re connected and related to everything.
My Certifications
Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP) by iPEC – Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching
The highest level of training recognized by the ICF – International Coaching Federation
Studying – Growing – Inspiring You
I’m a lifelong learner and along the way I’ve been taking lots of classes and participating in workshops:
- Seth Godin’s Akimbo Workshops – Privileged to be hired as a workshop coach
- The Marketing Seminar with Seth Godin (to help me understand today’s marketing)
- The Integrity Cleanse with Martha Beck (Because integrity is the most crucial thing in my life and work)
- Jon Morrow – Smart Blogger
- The Freelancers Workshop and The Bootstapper’s Workshop (helping me stay on top of my career coaching work and learning how to build your own business)
- The Story Skills Workshop with Bernadette Jiwa
- The Real Skills Conference
- The Creative’s Workshop with Seth Godin (where I had the honor to be an Akimbo Workshop Coach) The pinnacle of my career.
- Writing In Community – Akimbo Workshop with Kristin Hatcher
- Akimbo Workshops – Hella Talks – Dr. Tiffany Jana + Seth Godin – “DEI + J – The State of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice. Where Do We Go from Here?”
- Get it Done: Complete Projects that Matter with Seth Godin – Project Management / Project Planning
- UDEMY – Creating Significance: Choosing to Do Our Best Work – Seth Godin
- UDEMY – Learning to See How Ideas Spread: 5 Graphs – Seth Godin
- LinkedIn Learning – Transitioning from Corporate Leadership to Executive Coaching – Lance Tanaka
- UDEMY – This is Strategy with Seth Godin
- Purple Space – A Community of Practice for Creators – Entrepreneurs – Freelancers – Line Managers. A place to connect and choose your partners – build a team – to lead – learn – create change that makes a difference the way you hope to.
Through my blog posts, social posts and mailings I’m eagerly sharing all that I’ve learned because this knowledge matters and how it changes the lives of people I work with, needs to be spread around.
Website Images & Alyssha Eve Csük
Alyssha Eve Csük ( gives me a special gift in allowing me to present 5 of her beautiful photographs on my website. Rust and slate are alive in her exceptional pictures. Alyssha celebrates something which is usually ignored, seen as ugly, corroding, deteriorating and wasting away.
I first saw Alyssha’s photographs on May 15, 2011 in The New York Times and loved them! I was captivated. I had never seen anything like it. Amazing, vivid colors, textures and patterns. I knew right there that ‘rust’ – the way metal changes and is present in stone — had to be part of my coaching website because it is directly related to the changes a person can experience with Life – Career – Change Coaching… the peeling back of layers, revealing textures, grains, depth and brilliance of natural colors and shapes… sharp, smooth and specific details. It says a lot about the rich, complex layers and depths of people.
It is a dream come true to showcase some of her gorgeous art. I’m moved and honored by her generosity and kindness. Thank you Alyssha!
The coaching work I do with people – creating change for a happier life and career – involves deep listening without judgment, a sincere desire to know and a large hope to be immensely useful.
Every one of us has felt hard at times like stone or that we’re wasting away in some way.
People often come to coaching feeling ‘rusted’ and ‘worn down’. They’re stressed and brittle with any number of daily questions and happenings called life. They’ve neglected themselves – sometimes their bodies and minds, capping emotions and living with fear and limiting beliefs about themselves and the world. They’re like a once useful and important object that has been forgotten and allowed to ‘oxidize and rust out’.
Rust is raw. It’s ordinary and resilient. When you focus your attention on it you see that it is active, bold, interesting and independent as it runs and bleeds and blisters. You might say it has a mind of its own and likes to show off as it peels back and pushes off paint, pitting, opening up, releasing what’s underneath. Scratches and scraps expand, rise and reach out. Rust says – ‘This is exactly who I am’.
I’m grateful to have discovered the unique and irresistible visions of Alyssha Eve Csuk; showing that basic, ordinary things like rust and slate, have simple, profound, true beauty and important meaning for our own lives – and for me… thrillingly symbolizes the effects Life and Career and Change Coaching can have on a person.