What Can I Offer You?
Care: You can count on me. I’ll show up for you. I won’t quit on you.
We all want to be understood. To have someone really hear us.
Really see who we are.
I promise to listen and be there for you. I care.
Commitment: When we work together…
I approach our commitment with an open mind and heart evaluating how I can be useful – how to be of the most help and support to you. I am committed to seeing what is possible and to helping you achieve it. To reach your dreams.
Attention: I will focus on you.
Our time together will enable us to pay attention to your unique goals and aspirations. I want you to succeed and to be happy. To be the best you can possibly be.
I’m confident you can make the changes you want and dream about – yearn for – thirst for. (Yes – I can see that the changes you seek are that emotional and
that vital to you and how you want to live your life).
We will figure out exactly what you want and then go and get it. Fast!
Nothing is more powerful and necessary than empathy and knowledge when you work with another person.
This is really the essence of what I offer you.
I won’t kid you – change is challenging and scary. It takes work. It won’t always be easy to make things different but I will be there to support you.
Let’s be fearless and creative together. Innovative. Sensible. Scientific. Persistent. Commit2Change. And also… have a great, good time.
The answers are in you. We’ll find those answers together – because I care and you are worth it. Thank you for your trust.
My very best – Michael